Contingency Plan 2017: Monsoon Floods and Landslides

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Every year, during the monsoon period of June to September, communities in the Terai and Hill areas of Nepal are exposed to increased levels of flood and landslide risk. Such risks can lead to immediate humanitarian suffering; they can exacerbate pre-crisis vulnerabilities and erode development gains.

The recurrent nature of monsoon related flooding and landslides and the potential humanitarian needs they can bring about requires the HCT to undertake focused preparedness planning.

The aim of this document is to strengthen preparedness planning in 36 districts - comprised of 22 flood prone districts in the Terai plus 14 earthquake affected districts in Hill areas which face both landslide and flood risk.

To optimize the speed and volume of critical assistance in the aftermath of a flood or landslide, the HCT has developed this document to:

  1. Reach a common understanding of flood and lanslide risk and how to monitor potential flooding in the Terai to ensure early action is taken when required;
  2. Establish a minimum level of multi-hazard preparedness across six core Clusters (Food Security, Nutrition, Protection, Health, Shelter and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)) – noting the inter-Cluster significance of the Logistics Cluster also;
  3. Estabish the parameters for a joint HCT response strategy by six core Clusters to meet the needs of affected people in the first 30 days of a humanitarian emergency;